Haleystar's blog

On Living Simply and Staying Happy


On Living Simply and Staying Happy

Living within our means is one great lesson I've learned from becoming a mom and a homemaker. I've learned to live simply so we could live comfortably. I kissed my being a one day millionaire goodbye. That way, I've learned to budget, spend less, and be happy with what we have, and can afford.

Melissa And Doug Triangular Crayons


Melissa And Doug Triangular Crayons

You can't imagine how many crayons I've been through! You all probably know they break pretty easily. Well, I've had these for almost 1 month now!

Some days at home, I wish I had super powers.


Some days at home, I wish I had super powers…the ability to complete the ever-growing number of chores in a second. The ability to keep a continuous eye on bub who is rapidly picking up speed day by day and manages to get himself stuck underneath sofas and coffee tables where he’ll plaintively keep crying until someone comes along to get him unstuck.

Miracle Baby – My Pregnancy Story Part 1


When I was younger I was diagnosed with a tumour. When it was diagnosed, I thought it was great as I had long been suffering from headaches and other symptoms including major hormone imbalances that mirrored signs of depression.  What I didn't know, until I was sat with my consultant on my second or third visit, was that infertility was also a side effect of the tumour.

Activities To Keep Your Children Busy Indoors


Christmas is finally over! For the longest time it felt like it would never get here then it just flew by. But now that it is out of the way I am counting down the days until my daughter goes back to school. Every single minute that passes by I feel like I am losing more of my sanity. I feel like a horrible mother saying that but it really is true. Normally my daughter goes to Preschool 3 days a week. With her being home with me 7 days a week for the last month I am sadly losing my mind.

You Just Said What To Your Mother?


 When your children are little and they start making sounds, it's so cute. I loved the babbling and the first sounds. And of course, the first time they say, "Mommy" and "I love you", it's amazing.

Then they get older. And they start saying things like, "Relax, Mom. Just....relax." (And it's funny, I know, and it's probably just me, but whenever someone says that to me? It doesn't make me relax!)

Today it was wonderfully beautiful and breezy outside.


Guest post by:



Today it was wonderfully beautiful and breezy outside. The sun was shining, the mountains green

News Years Resolution: Keep Up the Blog!


News Years Resolution: Keep Up the Blog!

How to Correctly Monogram a Baby gift


A baby's name is a very important part of his identity. In todays world,
some parents are afraid of embroidering their child's name on item for
fear that it gives too much information to the public about their child.
Some people feel that an embroidered name invites unwanted familiarity.
But a monogram reveals nothing and still makes every item that bears this
insignia unique. A monogram is a very sophisticated way of personalizing
clothes, baby blankets and toys without putting the actual name on the
item. At www.namelynewborns.com we monogram alot of baby gifts.