Mommy Blogs

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  • lemonologie lemonologie

    I'm A, a web designer/developer/project manager living in an quaint small town in the eastern United States. In 2000, I married my college sweetheart, J. Now we live in a lovely home with our baby girl & 3 fun dogs. This blog is about my life, and the all the "drama" that a semi-normal (yet quirky) individual faces on a regular basis.

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    Let it be Lovley Elizabeth Amy

    Looking for Inspiration and Beauty in Everyday Life. I am a SAHM raising 2 busy boys and loving my Hubby, all while trying to organize the chaos that is my life. I love blogging about pretty things, tips and tricks, other blogs I love, crafts, recipes, decor, Pinterest and so much more! Stop by for a visit- I'll put on a pot of coffee for you. Have a Lovely day!

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    Let Me Start By Saying... Let Me Start By...

    Being a SAHM, a wife & a wannabe writer would be easier if life would stop chucking things at my head. Like lemons. And poop.

    On Twitter as @LetMeStart
    Facebook as "Let Me Start By Saying"

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    Lets Move It Mommas TheMoveItMomma

    My blog is dedicated to helping women find successful ways to raise a healthy family through nutrition and exercise. I am a mother to two boys and a wife to my best friend, who has also recently lost over 100lbs,I am SO proud of him! We plan on running our first half marathon together, this year on our 7 year anniversary!!

  • Letters From Home lfhblog

    Letters from home is my story as I sit here in the suburbs. A wife and mom struggling to do her best in this crazy, strange, magical, wonderful, wonder-filled life.

    I invite everyone to come along for the ride!

    Plus, I give away FREE Scrapbooking temaplates and pics to use in scrapbooking, notecards or whatever you wish!

  • Letters to Mason teachermommy09

    My blog is written in letter form and addressed to my son, Mason. It's like an online baby book!

  • Letters to My Girls dalorie

    Letters to My Girls began as a place to chronicle thoughts I want to share with my daughters at some point in their lives. As a parent of two small girls, my mind is racing with topics I want to be sure to discuss. But, as we all know, dialog doesn't happen in a linear fashion, and parents don't always get to say everything they'd like to. This is a place my girls can find me, when they need to.

  • Life 'N Everything Else dianamolok

    I blog about everything in my life that I thought others could relate to such as pregnancy, motherhood, breastfeeding, anything babies, bad customer services in Malaysia. It is a personal blog, really, but I believe that I could share the experiences with others.

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    Life According to Damaris duhmaris

    Reviews, rants, ramblings and more! I blog about all sorts of reviews, beauty tips, and life in general as a mommy & wife & giveaways! Life as how I see it. :)

  • Life as a CEO Chrissy MacCEO

    This blog is devoted to my life as CEO of my household - the funny moments and the not-so-funny ones, too!

  • Life as a Cuban-American Mama CubanMama

    I'm a Cuban-American mom (born in the U.S.A., but raised "a lo Cubano"). This is a blog chronicling my struggles to strike a balance between the "best of both worlds".

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    Life as a layman riverinmoon

    I am writing down all the exciting and non-exciting moments because I don't know if I will remember all these things so vividly when I become 60 years. Let my children and grandchildren read about what I have learnt from life. Happy reading!

  • life as the mother of 4 Life as the mot...

    I have two girls and two boys ranging in age from thirteen to seven. Brianne is responsible, Jake likes to talk, William is autistic, and Lizzy knows her mind. I have an unusual life!

  • Life Behind Collie Ollie Life Behind Col...

    I'm a mom of two young children and the owner of Collie Ollie Designs, a custom children's clothing line. Having a small business and two kids keeps me super busy so I thought why not add a blog into the mix! My blog is about the life behind my business -- how it got started, recipes, "childrenisms", new items, etc. I'm brand new to the blog world so any advice and tips are gladly welcome

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    Life Below Zero LifeBelowZero

    Frugal Family Fun. We share free stuff, coupons, giveaways, games, movies
    plus we review and give away Family Safe Products.