Family. Cross Stitch. Knitting. Crafting. Reading. Photography. Life in General.
Family. Cross Stitch. Knitting. Crafting. Reading. Photography. Life in General.
We're a mom and dad team who blog together! We post reviews about products and services that we love and host giveaways!
It’s about my quest for being a better person, wife mother and friend and to accept myself as I am for the special woman that I am. My motto is “Bettering myself to better the world”.
Hi, I'm Lory Manrique-Hyland. I have 2 kids, a husband and the bare bones of a writing career. I'm an unintentional stay-at-home mom. I suffer from post-feminist angst. Welcome to my blog.
I'm a married mom of three beautiful heathens. They make me laugh and curse all in the same day. I'm a homeschooling mama who loves cleaning, tattoos, cursing, concerts and the kardashians. I'm also a vegan on a diet mission! :) What most moms are only thinking, I say outloud, uncensored...
Take cover the kids are coming! The Mombshelter is one mom's quest to have a spot untouched by kid hands, a spot just for her where she can unload the artillery of kidscapades that happen daily. She's reporting from the trenches and it ain't pretty!
You'll love this blog. There is something for everyone. I blog about losing my baby weight and gaining some back. I blog about contests, giveaways, coupons and much more!
Everyone knows that the parenting books tell us the nicest little lies and that parenting isn't anything like it said in the book. Well the mommy chronicles is here to tell it like it is and to give you a glimpse into the life of one crazy mother with one very busy little boy. She is active duty Coast Guard and an active duty mom and agent to her aspiring model son.
journey of a stay at home mommy!
A young momma, enjoying lifes roller coaster, & enjoying every moment of it.
My name is Stephanie & I am a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom of four Super Kids & one full-time working Super Dad.
It will be a website about life. Yes this will the blog that may revolutionize we women think.
Living life as the adoptive mother of a Little Man with high functioning autism. Life doesn't always go as its planned, but this crazy life is OURS!
I am a part time dentist, full time mommy who started recently blogging. I have two small children, ages 5 months and 2 years. I write all about mommyhood with a few dentistry tips for kids added in. I am getting my blog professionally revamped end of September and will have my badge ready. I love followers and will definitely follow back.