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Making Dinnertime Special Again



There was a time when mealtime at our house got really OLD. It was when I had babies and preschoolers at home with me all day. My Man was very occupied with med school and sometimes would not be able to come home until 9:00 p.m. So often it turned out that me and my little ones would be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner together alone.


This wasn’t so horrible, except that we had already spent the whole day together and so we didn’t have much to talk about. Discussing how many times my kidlets pooped in the potty or what was new on Dora didn’t seem to make our meals enjoyable for me. I found that I would scarf my food down because of the lack of conversation, and then dinner was done in 5 minutes. And then what?


So I finally came up with a solution. I decided to read books to my children at dinnertime when My Man was gone. It made dinnertime special again. We would check out many fun books at the library and looked forward to reading them at dinner.


* It helped the kidlets love reading.

* It made me slow down (no more scarfing my food down) and enjoy my meal.

* It made dinner last longer and feel more special.

* It gave us something to talk about.


So now that My Man is home more often, we don’t need this nightly ritual as much. But when My Man is gone, I do smile satisfactorily when my kidlets say, “Oh yes! If Daddy is gone for dinner can we please read a book?!?”


And that, my friends, is that power of motherhood.


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