
blonde1981's picture

Personal Information


I love to blog about books, recipes, travel, and my growing family. I also love sharing photos and stories behind those photos. Lastly, I just like to chat about things that I come across and find interesting.


Member for
15 years 26 weeks

blonde1981's Directory Listings

  • A personal blog sharing my whimsical thoughts and feelings as I go from single to newly married to whatever is next! I love books, cooking, traveling, and photography so stop by and join the fun. I also love to write about current things that cross my path - tv shows, movies, etc.

  • A blog following my journey to shed the pounds and become healthier. Main focus is on fun recipes and healthy tips picked up from magazines, internet articles, and family and friends! Recipes are tried and true and have fun photographs so you can make them as well.

  • Twittering about everyday thoughts, events, contests, and coupons!