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Personal Information


My name is Kelly and I am a mom of three, wife of 1, and pet owner of 1 cute puppy, and 1 very fat cat. I am a former school counselor and psychotherapist turned journalist/editor/freelance writer. Last June I left my job at a local newspaper so I could turn my passion into something more, and something all mine. In the Fall I created Renaissance Mom . This blog began as one women’s journey, MINE, through life and motherhood (and all that entails) in an attempt to keep her writing and honest. Through that journey I began to learn that my love of all things creative — art, music, theater, writing, decorating, etc. — in combination with my interest in discovering my own spirituality, (minus the politics and science), had unknowingly thrown me right into the middle of a 21st century Renaissance, and for the first time in my life I began to understand more and more exactly who I was, who I had been, and who I wanted to become. In the process I became curious about other moms, dads, friends, women, men, parents in general, who had gone through or who were currently experiencing their own Renaissance, or who had simply been instrumental in guiding mine, and I am beginning to interview them, cover their books, and share their stories and mine with my readers.


Member for
12 years 45 weeks

kwm229's Directory Listings

  • One women’s journey through life, motherhood, spiritual and all things creative — art, music, theater, writing, decorating, etc. — resulted in discovering she was in the midst of a 21st century Renaissance along with other moms, dads, friends, women, men and parents in general. Renaissance Mom highlights their stories.