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Personal Information


Motherhood…it’s a full of laughter and tears and surprises. It’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever done. What started out as a way to chronicle my son’s first year of life has evolved into Rockin’ Mama. Because despite the fact that being a mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, it rocks! I’m a NICU nurse by day, blogger by night. My husband and I savor the warm Southern California sun. We love to travel…so much so that we spent 8 weeks backpacking Europe before moving to Edinburgh, Scotland where we found out I was pregnant with my son. I am a babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding mama whose passions include health, fitness, and all things green. If I’m not running after my 13 month old son…or my husband…you can find me frequenting the local tea room, shopping, baking, or reading.


Member for
16 years 4 weeks

rockinmama's Directory Listings

  • I am a full time mother and work part time as a neonatal intensive care nurse. Apart from personal reflections about motherhood, I also write about some of my passions including health and wellness, fitness, and "all things green." I also review family friendly products and host giveaways on the site.