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Personal Information


Roof with a View is a blog ministry made up of 14 women that love Jesus Christ and long to serve Him with joy. This ministry exists to encourage women to find freedom in the roles with which the Lord has blessed them, particularly as wives and mothers. We feel that the Lord has called us to put Matthew 10:27 into action:

"What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops."

Will you join us as at as we share from our “housetops” what the Lord has shown us as we strive to build, one brick at a time, a solid biblical foundation for our homes?

Disclaimer: The women of Roof with a View are not perfect. The purpose of this blog is not to discourage anyone in areas where she feels she has fallen short. The 14 of us are each very human; we are flawed women made whole by one Holy God. We simply have come together to share with YOU the one common hope in our given roles, especially in the areas where we may struggle ourselves. That hope is Jesus, and our guideline is His Word, the Bible.


Member for
15 years 39 weeks

roofwithaview's Directory Listings

  • Roof with a View is a blog made up of 14 imperfect women. It's purpose is to encourage fellow women to find freedom and joy in the roles with which the Lord has blessed them, particularly as wives and mothers.