
RuralMama's picture

Personal Information


Stay at home mom with two beautiful girls. I live on a horse farm and enjoy the country life. I like to blog about my girls, reviews and giveaways, the farm, cloth diapering, and whatever floats my boat.


Member for
13 years 2 weeks

RuralMama's Directory Listings

  • I'm a Stay at Home Mom to two little girls, Big Sister - born in June 2009 and Little Sister - born February 2011! I am married to the most wonderful man on Earth! I live on a horse farm and enjoy the living the country life. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe in the Bible, and the Holy Trinity. This blog is for me to tell the world anything I want to! I am PR Friendly and I hope you enjoy

  • Stay at home mom with two girls. I love my life and love my family!