
FaVeCalGirl's picture

Personal Information


I have two small children. I'm an Officer's wife. I know that I’m very unoriginal and fit most clichés and I won’t try to deny it if you ask me. Ill-advised, indiscreet, and injudicious individuals infuriate me. So, does Desperate Housewives. I know that last statement was completely redundant and if you agree then we are certainly destined to be great friends. I have read “Jane Eyre” too many times to count, I’m slightly obsessed with reality TV, and I think OJ did it. :) I will never watch a movie before reading the book and that includes Twilight before you ask. The book is always better than the movie and there are no exceptions. People that are too lazy to read the book shouldn’t be allowed to watch the movie. I work full time and it is my job to be an anal-retentive fastidious assistant. It is interestingly atypical for me. By atypical, I mean that it is peculiar I was selected for the position.


Member for
14 years 20 weeks

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