
Finamoon's picture

Personal Information


I am a mommy to four beautiful children...two boys and two girls. I keep very busy homeschooling and being a homemaker. My blog is about my life as a wife and mother and my journey through it all. My blog also has reviews on family friendly products and giveaways for my readers to enter to win.


Member for
15 years 35 weeks

Finamoon's Directory Listings

  • My blog is about my life as a mom and wife. I also enjoy writing reviews to promote products and companies that are family friendly. I also hold giveaways, list free stuff and bargains for my readers.

  • Follow me on twitter to see updates about my family and my blog. On my blog I review family friendly products and hold contests and giveaways for my readers. During the daytime I am a homeschooler of 4. In the evening I work at home as account sales rep for mps.