The Procrastinating Mommy

The Procrastinating Mommy's picture

Personal Information


My name is Amanda. I'm a 30-year-old Mom of 2 boys. I'm a school bus driver by day and I wear sweats to work in the winter when I feel like it (and I make them look fabulous!)
I cuss and smile a lot.
I am completely addicted to Pinterest but I'm slowly weaning myself off.
I'm a flip-flop wearing, Diet Coke drinking, God worshipping, digital scrapbooking, mommy blogging, always traveling, reality tv watching, Moscato chugging, Disney obsessing, amateur picture taking, beginner running, music loving, small town girl.
I am also a travel writer for Traveling Mom. I'm extremely proud and feel very honored and blessed to be considered part of that awesome network of Moms.


Member for
11 years 48 weeks

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