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Personal Information


I am Danielle Marie Crume.

I'm always exploring the ideal experience, ultimate lifestyle design, and most enjoyable dance with time.

Director of Creation for Aham Prema.

Core Manager for
O C E A N Embodiment Center.

Chief creator of the
Daily Seed WholeBook,
a tool for whole development.

Author. Mother. Sister. Explorer. Enthusiast.

I love to share things I “figure out” – when I discover a solution to something that has been a struggle or “problem”. I know deeply that each problem really serves as an opportunity. In fact, the ultimate opportunity in that moment – for that is exactly why it’s popped up.

The BEST use of time and the greatest experience possible are things I am naturally magnetized to and curious about. I feel a strong inner desire to play with the ultimate use of my time and create my ideal experience.

I’ve learned a lot in this passionate exploration. As I find these treasures, the icing on the cake is to share them with others who may also find them helpful. As service is an essential part of my being, a deep desire within, I am elated to offer these to those who find them helpful and intriguing.

I birthed Aham Prema as a foundation for creation. I love sharing the things that I find interesting and that help me out. More about me and the roots of that project here.

Connect with me. I'd love to stay in touch.

Thanks for checking me out!


Member for
15 years 49 weeks

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